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TheDoc 09-07-2002 09:32 AM

LSD vs Diff Locker

Howzit going guys, wondering if anyone has compared a lsd and rear locker.

We currently run an ARB front Air Locker, and together with the centre diff lock and rear LSD have found the combination pretty unstopable (though not unboggable!). Still after chatting to the ARB boys they recon that the rear locker will make a stack of difference... I'm not sure where, but then the LSD is still pretty new (about 25,000km on the clock). Some people have suggested that the LSDs are pretty much stuffed around 40K.

The ARB guy recons that he can get us stuck on the test track, though I recon the front locker will pull it through. I told him if he could get it stuck he can install it, so I spose he will go out of his way to make it difficult!

So I suppose the questions are:
1. Rear Diff Locker better than LSD?
2. How long do ya recon a LSD lasts?
3. How do the two compare on the bitumen?

Thanks all.

mattc 09-07-2002 11:22 AM

LSD vs Diff Locker

Why not drive your current LSD into the ground if you are happy with your current setup. The factory LSD in my old 4-runner was still working well enough at 150,000ks .. depends on the maker and (ab)use I guess.

I assume you are looking at an ARB for the rear also which will be 100% invisible (cos its unlocked) on the road. Your LSD is probably invisible on the road too unless you are in to spinning wheels in the wet.


Wooders 09-07-2002 08:54 PM

LSD vs Diff Locker

I ran a Lockright in the front of my TJ combined with a rear (Factory) LSD, I then re-geared and got a rear ARB Locker....
I was AMAZED at the just in ability of just the front locker and was happy with the performance. BUT I believe the Jeep LSD is fairly average from new and you can expect those little internal cltuchs to be fairly usless beyond about 60-80,000KM - less if given a frequent workout...

Now the questions:
1. Rear Diff Locker better than LSD?
DEFINATELY. You are right the the front Locker & rear LSD is good - but dual lockers are simply better....No ifs not buts - simply better....

2. How long do ya recon a LSD lasts?
80,000km max. as little as 40,000km if called upon often....

3. How do the two compare on the bitumen?
Depends on the model. An ARB is a fully open diff so infact will be LESS noticable than the LSD, a Detroit will be more noticable - but far from undriveable (as the ARB boys will often tell you)...

dxj 09-07-2002 09:25 PM

LSD vs Diff Locker


Even brand new clutch type LSDs are only very low percentage torque transfer to the non-spinning wheel. I am thinking of say 20 to 30%.
The whole reason Jeep and others go for vari-lok, traction control etc etc is that LSDs would cause massive tyre squeal around corners if they were designed to transfer any more torque. They MUST slip otherwise handling on road becomes like driving a locker on bitumen while still locked!
So if you are thinking that 30% of your torque will pull you through, as it often will, then they are fine. Just no comparison to 100% torque to the wheel with traction of a locker.

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