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Joeby 28-02-2013 10:20 PM

First car - TJ 2003 Suggestions?

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Hey there, just bought a 2003 TJ Sport. It's a stock model with automatic transmission (soft top and half doors), except for the tyres, which are all-terrain (old owner used to drive on the beach).

I don't know much about cars, this is my first car. I think I made a good choice because Jeep Wranglers seem to be very versatile in terms of hardware and it seems like I will learn a lot. However, I don't have many people around me that can teach me anything about cars so I've turned to the internet!

I love this car and it's an absolute blast to drive around town. I'd also love to use it for what it was intended for, and that's to go off-road. But I'm not sure what mods it will need before I can do this. I'd love some recommendations, but I do prefer budget options considering that I'm still a student.

Thanks in advance! :)

H.G. 01-03-2013 01:36 AM

first of all.. in all honesty you dont need any mods to start off.. pts probably alot wiser to learn how to drive the car within its limitations now.. Ive got an 03 Auto as well and as an offroad vehicle I cant fault it really..

wes 01-03-2013 06:21 AM

X2 - What H.G. said.

That's a great combination for off-roading. Looks great too :D
Man, I wish my first car was that nice.

One thing though - looks like your softtop is a bit loose/floppy at the back.
There might be something missing or bent on the softtop frame.

Abraxix 01-03-2013 08:13 AM

i own a WG so not a wrangler, but i started off in a stock Suzi (still have it)

and personally listen to them guys!!!! start with nothing, specifically to get a feel for offroad tracks where your wheels are, on the rig and how it responds on different terrains.
this will give you a very excellent idea of the cars limitations, and then you can alter your car to suit what you want.

that AND starting off itn eh standard car and working your way up gives you one bit of excellent knowledge that other people may never get, as they slap money down on a rig then go straight to 35" mud terrain tires and think they know it all..
you will develope a skill that is picking your lines on tracks that will help assist your car up the track instead of barrling straight into something and potentially breaking things, you will be able to gague your terrain and adjust you driving type first and get allot further than just jumping straight into modding your car and hoping for the best!!!

that's what i learnt at least now i can still follow other cars when we go out who roll around with 35-37" mud terrain tires, with me in my suzuki rolling 30"s
i admit i scrape and bump allot too but i still manage to stick with them cuz of the driving expierence ihave built up!!!

btw... your car looks great, and very clean though, love the sticker postion on your bonnet.. very snazzy ;)

welcome to AJOR. :D

Joeby 01-03-2013 10:10 AM

Thanks guys, I'll go with your advice and do some basic off-road driving to get a feel for it and get some more experience with the car. I might gradually modify it as I learn more depending on need. I might eventually go with bigger tyres but these are still new and should last me for now.

I know the car looks clean from the outside, but it's filled with sand and mud on the inside haha. Also has some cosmetic damage on the flares (the passenger side one needs replacing as it's broken) but I honestly don't care enough about plastic to get it fixed.

Also thanks wes for pointing out the soft top problem. I hadn't actually noticed that but I'll have a look at the frame as soon as it stops pissing down rain.

Tassie Jeeper 04-03-2013 09:41 AM

stick a hose in the chassis rail and turn it on full ball till u can stick ur finger in there and not find any sand (this may take a while)

then wait for it to dry and get a can of fish oil or lanolin oil (not crc/wd40) ant take the spray nozzle off bump it um against your chassis to push the end into the can and the fluid will spill out very fast shove it in your chassis rail (1 full can each side) no rust it a great place to start when your jeep has done alot of sand work.

then rip off the plastic bumpers;)

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