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Old 06-08-2021
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Originally Posted by FelipeVasquez View Post
It takes only 3 simple steps to find the best personal writer. Create an order specifying your topic, word count, deadline, etc. Give detailed paper instructions. All subject-relevant writers get notified about your order. Available writers submit their proposals. Review proposals from top paper writers and select your personal essay helper. I have such PayForEssay service and I want to recommend it for you.
Good to know how to cheat with essay writing is being promoted here. At least it lets those who were not previously aware of the cheating pandemic in the higher education world, worldwide. It isn't like cheating was never a problem but it does seem that there is a relationship between the influx of overseas students of non english speaking background and the explosion of the use of essay prep sites. I cannot number the times that I was offered substantial monetary bribes to give a pass mark or fix a poor mark already given by a different lecturer. Students would come in with rolls of $100 bills!!!

As an academic before retiring (Professor, no less) I was always bemused when students submitted essays, the substance of which was heavily laden with content of my own published work. Once, a paper submitted by a student to me for assessment was almost entirely one that I had had published in a reputable academic magazine. How bright is that? What a dumb arsed horseshitter!!!

These students were too dumb to know that their "cheating" was heavily embedded in my own work. And they expected to be given a pass grade. Never got them from me. Ever!! Honest people don't cheat... and if they don't get found out at Uni, they soon do when it comes to entering the employment field.

What was amazing was that it was almost always the "bright" students from wealthier backgrounds who thought they were entitled to cheat and that they should have everything handed to them on a plate.

The students who did not cheat were the truly bright students who knew the value of honesty, integrity and hard work, examples taught them by appreciating the grit and determination of their parents (you know, plumbers, chippies, sparkies, manual labourers and blue collar workers).

Universities now have systems and computer programs in place that can easily detect when work submitted has been based on pay for service essay writers.

Many of them are now getting found out, but threaten defamation lawsuits if they are failed on the basis of cheating. Go figure!!!

Last edited by humdingerslammer; 06-08-2021 at 11:01 AM.