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Old 08-06-2022
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Default Door hinge pins for a 1995 XJ

Hey guys,

Quick question for you all... Where can you find some door hinge pins for a 95? My drivers door is sagging, enough that it's slowly eating away the striker and making it impossible to shut unless you lift up as you slam it shut. I'm beyond sick of it and want a nice normal door action once again. I've double checked my hinges and they're all intact and not separating from the body (I remember that mum actually had these re-welded back in the late 90s because THAT early in the Heep's life, they actually broke off and the drivers door basically fell off on her one morning). I've looked at Rockauto and I can only find hinge pin kits for update XJ's 98 and later or so, but nothing for earlier years. There are plenty of eBay hinge pin kits that claim compatability with our XJ's, but I have no means of verifying if that's true or not. Kits like these;

Is this even remotely usable? Where would you guys look for hinge pins? Information online for pre update pins is surprisingly erratic, with no real consensus or even guides, and only a handful of posts out there talking about OEM part numbers for hinge pins that are no longer available. I see other kits like these;

Which are just like... metal sleeves. Is that an option? Someone even suggested some brass tubing or something from RC car model kits. Buggered if I know!

Appreciate any input, I'm a bit stumped on this one

Last edited by Sobek; 08-06-2022 at 02:41 AM.