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Thread: Cleansing diet
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Old 14-08-2022
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Mmmmm... a wise old man once told me that, if you want to lose weight, the best diet plan is to keep your mouth shut and empty.

I once kept a calorie diary and after 2 days I was amazed to see that I had consumed 2000Cal before lunch time and, equally amazing, is that if I had not recorded what I had eaten I would have forgotten what I had eaten!!

My grandson used to visit regularly when he was younger (you know, the week of respite for the parents) and I said to him that he could eat what he liked without asking as long as what ever he starts he finishes, without waste. He wanted to know why so I said to him that half the world's population is lucky to eat a spoonful of rice per day and that the amount he had to eat was a privilege. He would tell his mates that too, when they came to join him in the week long stays.

Diets are fanciful excesses of the wealthier classes who have way too much food, way to many choices and too much time to fill with eating. Poor people and those of us who had to work hard for a living in our earlier days were generally not as fat as those with too much of everything.

If you want to lose weight, don't diet!! And don't do excessive and artificial exercise. Analyse what and how you eat and what and how you exercise and change these things by doing less eating and more normal exercise. That's all. Most of us eat a healthy diet. We just eat too much of it.

Well, that's my strategy.... and it has worked for me.

Oh, and another thing...skinny people, including vegetarians, get sick and die, like the rest of us, fat or not!

Last edited by humdingerslammer; 14-08-2022 at 12:25 PM.