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Old 19-11-2007
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Originally Posted by jbee View Post
hi davidd - no i am not a chrysler stooge - - nor did i claim to have found the fault with the slow fill - i clearly said the jeep guy did - seems to have fixed yours too doesn't it.
So Whats your problem - i had the same issue most did with the deisel slow fill and thought instead of just whinging individually about it we should do something about it. As it happens they found the fault (with mine at least) before we needed to get together about it, which i shared here (thats what forums are for in case you did not realise it). I have never had any other problems with my Jeep and i love it, if you don't think my dealer deserves some praise for his positive attitude when you read what some people have had to put up with from theirs - then tough luck to you. I believe it is as important to give credit where it's due as it is to complain about things that are wrong, unfortunatly these days that is a minority view and one not shared by you apparently.

In the slow fill thread i started you recomend people to show the thread to their dealer to get the problem fixed and here you bag me for it - nice touch - Ta.

So pull your head in Dave - this is supposed to be a place to share exeriences both good and bad and help where you can - not sling Sh at people.

And devilish who you took the opertunity to bag in the slow fill thread is taking the piss out of Hummer owners with his sticker not proving he drives one, a sense of humour is needed .


