View Full Version : Dyneema-Recovery-Shackle-Gator-Jaw imitation beware

18-12-2017, 09:06 PM
Hi everyone.

Just heads up on a recovery product that sells on ebay under the misleading name Gator Jaw.
When the bought item was received it turned out that it was not a Gator Jaw at all only a "Gator Jaw type/lookalike". No name on it and no load rating either.
The original only costs $3.00 more and has all the required markings.
Not saying the lookalike is rubbish but it looks a lot like home made. When trying to return it the seller ask immediately where does it say Gator Jaw and tries to get out of a refund/return. Just be aware please.


18-12-2017, 10:15 PM
Write an eBay review... there isn't one yet.

It clearly says Gator Jaw in the title. That's more binding than the "generic" listed in the particulars.