View Full Version : transfercase / gear box breathers - whers the t/c breather?

big red beast
23-11-2003, 06:00 PM
i finally did my clutch yesterday and when out to menai today not really wanting to tho, got a call to recover a mate who was stuck - and good too!! (photo's soon)

anywayz while i had the box out i took the box breather off to find some hose similar size to extend it but couldn't find a breather for the t/case - do they both use the same breather and are t junctioned inside of is there a second one that i cant find

please help - if there is a second where is the litle bugger?

big red beast
23-11-2003, 08:13 PM
oh forgot to say its for a tj (1997)

help i may be blind!!!

24-11-2003, 07:35 AM
They do NOT use the same breather.
The T/case has an outlet - but not a breather - Naturally I HIGHLY recommend that you put one on.
The outlet is on the front section of the t/case, passenger side from memory.....It looks like a little bent tube......

Wait.....Oh yeah here's a pic....


24-11-2003, 07:37 AM
Oh yeah that face you see mounts onto the gearbox.....

big red beast
24-11-2003, 12:52 PM
ok i got that one just confused myself thinking that was the gearbox one, now where is the gearbox breather then?
i cant see the suckers at all

please help wooders

big red beast
24-11-2003, 12:52 PM
ok i got that one just confused myself thinking that was the gearbox one, now where is the gearbox breather then?
i cant see the suckers at all

please help wooders

24-11-2003, 01:12 PM
Sorry I should have answered the question fully.
The gearbox vent is the little stubby thing just behind the shifter.
Remove the stubber valve & fit your hose.....

big red beast
25-11-2003, 05:29 AM
i finally did it
let me get this right, the gearbox one was a short little thing about 5mm long that had a brass cap on it?
It was directly behind the shifter, a few centimeters behind, right?

thnaks for your help wooders, i know i can rely on you
a beers on me at the sjc christmas party!

god that little brass cap was a bitch to get off, especially when your a bum like me that didn't bother putting the car on the stands so i could get under there properly - but atleast i took the bashplate off hehehe : )