View Full Version : Scangauge

13-05-2010, 11:51 PM
Im looking at getting a Scangauge II for my 97 TJ.
But reading the website info it say's ...

Jeep ScanGaugeII Compatibility

http://www.scangauge.com.au/support/redcross.jpgCherokee KJ Sport Diesel (2002)
http://www.scangauge.com.au/support/redcross.jpgCherokee Diesel (2004 - 2007)<sup>*5</sup>
http://www.scangauge.com.au/support/greentick.jpgCherokee Petrol 3.7L (2006 - on)
http://www.scangauge.com.au/support/greentick.jpgCommander Diesel (2006)
http://www.scangauge.com.au/support/greentick.jpgGrand Cherokee V6 Diesel CRD (2007 - on)
http://www.scangauge.com.au/support/redcross.jpgWrangler TJ Diesel (2002 - 2007)<sup>*5</sup>
http://www.scangauge.com.au/support/greentick.jpgWrangler TJ Petrol (2001 - on)

<script type="text/JavaScript" language="JavaScript"> <!-- // // format date as dd-mmm-yy // example: 12-Jan-99 // function date_ddmmmyy(date) { var d = date.getDate(); var m = date.getMonth() + 1; var y = date.getYear(); // handle different year values // returned by IE and NS in // the year 2000. if(y >= 2000) { y -= 2000; } if(y >= 100) { y -= 100; } // could use splitString() here // but the following method is // more compatible var mmm = ( 1==m)?'Jan':( 2==m)?'Feb':(3==m)?'Mar': ( 4==m)?'Apr':( 5==m)?'May':(6==m)?'Jun': ( 7==m)?'Jul':( 8==m)?'Aug':(9==m)?'Sep': (10==m)?'Oct':(11==m)?'Nov':'Dec'; return "" + (d<10?"0"+d:d) + "-" + mmm + "-" + (y<10?"0"+y:y); } // // get last modified date of the // current document. // function date_lastmodified() { var lmd = document.lastModified; var s = "Unknown"; var d1; // check if we have a valid date // before proceeding if(0 != (d1=Date.parse(lmd))) { s = "" + date_ddmmmyy(new Date(d1)); } return s; } // // finally display the last modified date // as DD-MMM-YY // document.write( "This list was updated on " + date_lastmodified() ); // --> </script>This list was updated on 12-Jan-10

Has anyone got one fitted on a 97 TJ :?:

14-05-2010, 06:35 AM
http://image.jpmagazine.com/f/26054063/154_0911_05_o+jeep_wrangler_jk_engine_tuner_shooto ut+obd_2_port.jpg
Do you have this little plasitc plug under the dash of your TJ?
(Not the one in his hand)

14-05-2010, 08:54 AM
it works, as long as you have the male port in the above photo.

14-05-2010, 10:04 AM
in had one on my 97 TJ Renegade - worked a treat.

14-05-2010, 10:42 AM
Im looking at getting a Scangauge II for my 97 TJ.
But reading the website info it say's ...
Has anyone got one fitted on a 97 TJ :?:

You checked the wrong website ;)
The ScanGauge works on all year models of TJ's and yes I run one in my wifes '96 TJ.

Jonny Jeep
14-05-2010, 05:26 PM
I have one on my 97. Works a treat.

14-05-2010, 07:56 PM
I move mine between all three.......does anyone know how to program the X gauge to show XJ transmission temp?

14-05-2010, 10:56 PM
Yes i have OBD port .

Thanx guys