Was reading the current edition of the biggest car magazine in the country and my Truck was in it!
I had submitted once before, but think I had way to much detail and photos, so never saw it published in the 'In the build' section.
So I tried again and rewrote it hoping it was the right subject matter, as it is not for 4wd's at all, but for high performance street and strip, (usually Aussie muscle) cars. So was quite surprised to see it in there last night. They changed the GrandWillys name of it though.
Maybe they will accept it also now that it is back together and painted for the readers rockets section. You never know.
You didn't think I would let my custom W1LLYS plates go to waste did you!
Well this will be wife's Lisa very first car! A 1932 Willys 6-90
Looking exceptionally pleased with her purchase. :)
Been in storage for 60 years! First 20 in a paddock in Koraleigh, then here for the last 40 in...