Aggghhhhh. I hate dealerships. Long story short. Took my KJ to the local dealer (West Orange Motors in Orange, NSW) to get the timing belt done (200,000 kays). They put a hole in the radiator (they replaced it of course) but when I went to drive it home my spotlights wern't working. Took it back a couple of days later which they fixed but on the way home the gearbox started to play up and check engine light came on. Got to work (finally), disconnected the battery for 10mins. Gearbox seemed to be better but light still on. Took it too my usual mech who rang a scantool on it and these are the main codes. P0700, P0869, P0733,0734 and P1790.
Ol mate cleared the codes which it ran well for a couple of days then gearbox had another hissy fit but seemed to have fixed itself. No light this time.
Any ideas what may be going on here and ideas of how to fix it? It's my dauf=ghters car and I don't want to give it back until I know it's reliable. Cheers