Traveling in a solo vehicle

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  • Trailfirst
    Originally posted by eksjay View Post

    There may be instances where he does do solo trips, but I have seen his production convoy on two occasions going through my town. It is made up of several off road vehicles (with his decals) - I don't think he does tag along tours.

    Even Ronny Dahl has a production crew and in the video below, it helped bail him and his mate's 4WDs out of trouble (start at 22:30).
    Oh damn! - that's actually a worry, because my concern when I first thought "ah, yeah but what about the invisible crew" is that kind of production can lead people not really up to it to attempt single vehicle adventures emulating his trips - when he really wasn't even alone himself!!

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  • Adir
    My choice depends on various factors. It is great to travel only with my family in a solo vehicle. But it is also cool to have friends who want to join us, so multiple-car traveling might be either a good idea.

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  • davis_jen
    Safe travels! Solo traveling is such a rewarding experience. I'm also considering purchasing an RV in the near future to explore more freely. Hopefully, Alliance RV customer service will be able to guide me in making the right choice. It's essential to find an RV that suits your needs and preferences, whether it's for occasional getaways or extended adventures on the road. Their expertise can make all the difference in finding the perfect RV for your solo travels.
    Last edited by davis_jen; 18-07-2024, 07:26 PM.

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  • Trailfirst
    Oh! - well Ive got to say I'm disappointed - and the concern I had the very first time I saw one of his shows jumps right back up - ie. here's an expert projecting the impression solo 4wd-ing is fine and straight forward when that's not really what he's doing! If he spent time each show explaining the dangers and precautions and/or making it clear there's a whole group of vehicles involved I wouldn't be bothered but the worry is that urban suv owners might watch his show then load up on the weekend and head for parts very much unknown ON their own but not at all properly prepared. My wife actually commented one day when we both caught one of his shows that 4wd-ing as a single vehicle obviously isn't as much the no-no we've normally considered it to be.

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  • eksjay
    Originally posted by Trailfirst View Post
    One of the weekend 4WD-ing shows - I think Pat Callinan? - is always solo remote area stuff - but I can never help thinking "Hmmmm" when I see his shows. For a while i thought yeah but he's not really on his own - ie. the film crew etc. but since realised he probably does do the whole thing himself - ie. with drones. And I've probably missed the episode where he explained all the safety gear and sensible precautions for single vehicle adventuring...
    There may be instances where he does do solo trips, but I have seen his production convoy on two occasions going through my town. It is made up of several off road vehicles (with his decals) - I don't think he does tag along tours.

    Even Ronny Dahl has a production crew and in the video below, it helped bail him and his mate's 4WDs out of trouble (start at 22:30).

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  • Trailfirst
    One of the weekend 4WD-ing shows - I think Pat Callinan? - is always solo remote area stuff - but I can never help thinking "Hmmmm" when I see his shows. For a while i thought yeah but he's not really on his own - ie. the film crew etc. but since realised he probably does do the whole thing himself - ie. with drones. And I've probably missed the episode where he explained all the safety gear and sensible precautions for single vehicle adventuring...

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  • humdingerslammer
    Originally posted by eksjay View Post
    I was unsure whether to revive this thread. I could have placed the link to the News story below in the Sat phone thread, but I thought I would drop it here.

    Lucky for this couple that they were quick thinking and took the sat phone out of their car along with the spare battery.

    They must have collected too much spinifex under the car. Is it a Land cruiser? The blue water canisters partially survived the melting process.
    No.... very much worth re-kindling this thread (pardon the pun). Spinifex can be a real problem... very high risk of fire from super hot exhausts and particularly cat converters that get to a phenomenal heat. Fires from spinifex or other grass tend to start very soon (like minutes) after parking in high grass or if it hasn't cleared from cracks and crevices.

    I carry a short piece of broom handle (about 18 inches long) with a hook screwed and glued in to one end and use this to pull out any grass, spinifex etc every couple of hours when I am driving in such country. Travelling the CSR my brother thought I was mad because he said his Landcover Discovery never trapped spinifex. Must be a crappy Jeep thing he reckoned. So I got him to get down with me and have a look under the Discovery... he was quite surprised when he was proven wrong.

    In my opinion, if fires start a few hours after parking it is more than likely from an electrical fault... something rubbing and worn and wires have contacted metal etc. or from a slow fuel leak onto still hot metal.

    Oh, and I also carry a small spray bottle that can get under the vehicle to water spray any flames... it might help I reckon. And I also have about 6 fire extinguishers that work when tipped upside down dotted all around the JKU and easily reachable from different points from in and outside the vehicle.

    My satellite phone, EPIRB etc is always in a small back pack on the front seat that I can get to and throw out instantly if necessary. See earlier reply above to see what I have in it.
    Last edited by humdingerslammer; 03-09-2022, 07:08 AM.

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  • eksjay
    I was unsure whether to revive this thread. I could have placed the link to the News story below in the Sat phone thread, but I thought I would drop it here.

    Lucky for this couple that they were quick thinking and took the sat phone out of their car along with the spare battery.

    They must have collected too much spinifex under the car. Is it a Land cruiser? The blue water canisters partially survived the melting process.

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  • vernonbain
    In my opinion it depends on the situation, whenever I'm with my wife, I'd love to travel just with her but when travelling alone, I'd like to bring my buddies who have the same hobby as me which is going off-road.

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